UK 1:1 High Quality Breitling Fake Watches CEO On Opening Stores: ‘People Want To Live The Experience’

Swiss watchmaker Breitling replica watches wholesale UK has opened a new store in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. The company’s CEO Georges Kern explains that “people want to live the experience. People want to have the 360 of the brand.” Kern goes on to say that young people, in particular, want to see the products and make the physical purchase. When asked about the post-pandemic bump in used watch sales, Kern says the market is “normalizing” but is “still at a very high level.”

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: Welcome back to Yahoo Finance Live. Perfect Breitling fake watches, the nearly 140-year-old Swiss watch brand is still around and still ticking and looking for more growth. Joining me now is CEO Georges Kern from their newest location here in New York City. So, Georges, talk to me about Breitling, the story. You guys are growing, sales are up. What’s going on there?

GEORGES KERN: Well, first of all, CVC came into the company, which is a private equity company six years ago to invest in this brand, also with new management. We have another majority shareholder since a couple of months, which is Partners Group, which is a Swiss private equity company.

So we have been doing very well. The valuation has been increasing. The brand has been growing tremendously over the last five to six years. And yeah, we’re very happy about the results and the development of this company

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: So, Georges, I understand AAA online replica Breitling watches is now in the top 10 of the Swiss watches in terms of exports. And you guys are expanding also the retail footprint here in New York City, with this meatpacking district, new brick and mortar location. Why is physical retail so important for the brand?

GEORGES KERN: So it’s true. We have now 230 boutiques around the world. We have roughly 25 boutiques in the US. We have four boutiques in New York. People want to live the experience. People want to have the 360 of the brand. They want to talk to our great colleagues here. They want to understand the brand. They want to see the whole collection.

And in particular, young people want to see it. And it’s still a physical purchase. So it’s not about e-com. You get the information on e-com or on the web and then you buy physically in boutiques.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: A lot of new best Breitling copy watches for Breitling recently this year and also last year. But also you’re wearing one right now, a special watch right now. Tell me about that. watch and please show our audience. Yeah.

GEORGES KERN: So this is top China Breitling Top Time replica watches, which we do in collaboration with Deus Ex Machina, which is a motorbike and surfer brand from the United– from Australia, actually. It’s very cool, and it reflects exactly our design philosophy, which is modern retro. So we don’t want to be vintage. We are modern brand. Our movements are top notch.

But we have this little vibe of retro, which you see in these kind of collaborations, which you perfectly see in this boutique and with other partnerships like, for instance, Triumph motorbikes.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: Yeah. I noticed here in the boutique here in the meatpacking industry, you have the coffee bar, the downstairs lounge, things like that– the importance of retail. But also talk about retail. I want to talk to you about Rolex, right, the biggest player in the space right now. They went in with– recently bought in buying Bucherer, the big retail operator, owner of Tourneau.

What does that mean for an operator like yourself who has their own retail space, but also works with Bucherer as well?

GEORGES KERN: Now, we love this collaboration with Bucherer. We have been working with them since many years. Rolex is a great company. I would qualify them as really– they have the best possible behavior in the industry. They respect all the other brands. And I’m very happy about this acquisition. And as far as I understand, nothing will change for us and for Bucherer in this relationship.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: So looking kind of at the industry in general, the big picture of the Swiss luxury watch industry, we’re seeing some softness in the secondary market there for used luxury 2024 Breitling super clone watches. Some of these bigger and higher end grail watches, they’re called. What’s your take on that and how does that affect sort of the new first person– first hand market.

GEORGES KERN: So, first of all, the analog watch industry has been booming for the last years and will continue to grow like crazy because we’re nowhere still in China, in Indonesia, in India, in many, many countries, where the industry is just starting. The last two years where particular, we had this what we call post-COVID situation or this revenge buys after the confinement and everything.

And today, I think the market is just normalizing, but it’s still growing and yes, but normalizing, still at the very high level.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: Yeah. Do you think that post-COVID bump has sort of changed the watch consumption behavior. People want to buy more Swiss made replica Breitling watches. They want to take pictures and put them on Instagram. Go on vacation. Is that a new change in the industry? Have you seen that with your customers?

GEORGES KERN: Yeah I think we live also in an age of overkill of digitalization. And having an analog watch, a very traditional watch, handmade, which you actually, intellectually can understand because it’s like a LEGO. When you look at a movement, you can understand how it works. I think it’s something very human and people like that.

In this age where you have catastrophes, where you have bad news every morning, where again, it’s an emotional product in this digital age, which people like to buy. And therefore, this market, in particular, with young people is tremendously growing.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: Now you mentioned that analog sort of effect with Breitling fake watches shop and how people gravitate towards that. What’s next for Breitling now? Is it expanding into other markets? Is it a geographic expansion or is it new products? What’s next for the company?

GEORGES KERN: Well, we always launch new products. Actually, we’re launching a new product tomorrow night in the latest segment, which is a huge– I mean, it’s a 50– it’s 50% of the market. And there’s something we can do here. It will be a very cool product. We want to be the cool and relaxed alternative for the men’s market, but we also want to be the cool and relaxed alternative for the females’ market.

So therefore, there will be a product which we are going to launch tomorrow night– tomorrow night with one of our– with a couple of our celebrities and friends and ambassadors of the brand.

PRAS SUBRAMANIAN: Guys, watch this space, new cheap UK Breitling copy watches coming out. Maybe some new ambassadors, we’ll see. But one quick follow-up, last question for you. I know you’re a man of varied interests. You collect motorcycles and I know sunglasses and things like that. But you’re also a fan of famed investor Warren Buffett. What are some of the things that he’s taught you or what you’ve learned from him that you sort of appreciate and you can kind of impart to other people.

GEORGES KERN: I don’t know where you got that, but it’s true. It’s true. I admire Warren Buffett because he’s such a nonsense guy. He’s so modest. He’s so sharp. I watch all the YouTube videos. I love his quotes. I use them in my own presentations. And if there’s one person I would like to meet one day, it’s Warren Buffett.

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